We assist you in surprising your consumers and keeping them around longer. You may use it to engage in analyzing consumer behavior and engaging them with tailored communications on the web, mobile devices, and email. MO Engage is a full-stack solution that combines personalization, AI-powered customer journey orchestration, and robust customer analytics in one dashboard.

MO Engage has aided in amplifying customer interaction for all businesses, from Fortune 500 companies like Deutsche Telekom, Samsung, and Ally to mobile-first companies like Flipkart, OLA, and BigBasket.

On boarding, retention, and growth stages of the customer lifecycle may all be tailored with MO Engage by product managers and growth marketers.

A full-stack solution with vital customer insights, AI-powered customer journey orchestration, and personalization capabilities all in one dashboard sets Mo Engage apart.

Mo Engage Analytics Platform: 

Mo Engage Analytics aids in the understanding of consumer behavior, campaign effectiveness, and product feature utilization by marketers and product owners. Making informed judgments about their consumer engagement and growth strategy is now possible for them. Teams may work more effectively than with average siloed martech stacks because of its tight integration with MoEngage’s segmentation and campaign orchestration features.

By interacting with customers throughout their lifecycle with individualized communication, the MoEngage Marketing Platform enables organizations to increase their customer lifetime value.

Maintaining customer profiles, grouping customers into appropriate categories, and engaging them with tailored campaigns across channels are all possible with MoEngage, which marketers and product owners use.

Proven Methods for Marketing Automation Gains:

  1. Super Effective-

 Numerous tasks, both big and small, are necessary for effective marketing. With marketing automation, you can utilize all the tools at your disposal.

You may stop doing time-consuming tasks like publishing manually, sending emails by hand, figuring out who to send them to, when, and so forth. As a result, you can concentrate on the big picture and progress toward your long-term objectives without being side-tracked by these minor tasks.

Your online efforts will go according to schedule and produce the intended outcomes. According to studies, marketing automation increases productivity by 14.5%, which is why 91% of users concur that it is a crucial tool for the success of their marketing initiatives.

  1. Time is saved-

 Marketing automation can help you save time in a variety of ways. One dashboard, for instance, allows you to post at once to numerous accounts and manage all of your online campaign posts.

Additionally, you can schedule such posts in advance and ensure they will be handled without further follow-ups. Additionally, the availability of several templates and built-in interfaces allows you to speed up the creation of emails and other forms of communication.

In fact, according to 74% of marketers, the most crucial feature of marketing automation is its capacity to save time.

  1. Teams in charge of marketing and sales-

As a team leader, you know how annoying it can be if the marketing and sales teams must work together. According to one survey, even 79% of marketing leads never result in sales—a waste of time. The use of marketing automation can save the day!

With automation, sales follow-ups and marketing leads can seamlessly converge. Both leaders and sales might increase. Conversion rate improvement initiatives can complement the sales team’s increased productivity.

Analytics and personalized content will push consumers up the funnel, increasing conversions and revenue. As a result, revenue targets are successfully met.

  1. Improves Conversion Rate-

 Conversion rates increase when leads are handled correctly. This is made possible via automation software.

The advantages of A/B testing, customization, and email optimization strategies are yours to enjoy. By adhering to tried-and-true best practices, you’ll be able to nurture customers by checking statistics to see the best techniques to attract visitors.

According to a study by the Aberdeen Group, marketing automation boosts your growth rate and conversion rate by a combined 53% and 3.1% compared to those who don’t use it. Thus, you can relax while seeing those figures increase.

  1. Develops a Customized Relationship-Building Plan-

No matter what stage of the customer journey a prospect is in, you can give them valuable and pertinent content using the data obtained via automation.

You can create segments based on past behavior, location, or other demographic indicators using this information. The outcome can be a targeted campaign that improves the user experience.

When this is carried out consistently over time, you’ll make a sale and win a long-term customer. This implies both interests in new products and recurrent purchasing. Take a look at the ways that e-commerce firms can encourage customer loyalty.


 After a user has signed up for our app, we use Mo Engage to add them to on boarding flows, guide them to event-triggered user journeys, and send them targeted notifications based on their behavior or involvement with the app, as well as a few blanket messages. The dashboard, funnel, and campaign creation processes are self-explanatory, the user interface is neat and organized, and the color scheme is professional.

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